PLEASE LOOK AT THESE SOURCES for INFORMATION Regarding New York's Rules regarding the Coronavirus:
So here's what we know from the company:
- Company found out about a potential Covid-19 patient from the 2nd (FSS) floor
- Company tried to disinfect that person's office quietly.
- Company scrambled to set up AWS for all non-union workers to work from home with a group meeting in the 4th floor conference room.
- In the meantime, the 4th floor conference room has been used by Creative Service and News for their meetings. No way to know if it has been cleaned and disinfected in the interim.
- On Wed, 3/18/20, in the great Fox game of CYA, they decided to have an outside company clean the 2nd and 7th floors. All common areas, elevators and bathrooms.
- And last night, 3/19/20, someone from the 7th floor (Local Sales) went to the same wedding as the person from the 2nd floor. And has tested positive.
- The company is having the whole building cleaned tonight, 3/20/20. If you are in tomorrow, you might have to wait outside until 10am.
- The company has brought in a production truck outside as an backstop. We will man it.
What we have been doing:
- Pushing for the first cleaning. And, the second.
- Suggested that our field guys roll from home and not come into the building.
- Asking for hazardous pay for all our members.
- We have had several conference calls with their attorney, and management here. They have been very intense. Your health and safety IS MOST IMPORTANT. Discussions will continue daily to ensure we are kept as safe as possible going forward.
- If you don't feel safe coming into work, talk to Roselyn. It is apparently going to be handled on a case by case basis (ie: paid, or vacation used.. all still very fluid)
Saturday, March 21, 2020
- 2nd person tested positive for Covid-19 from the 2nd floor. That makes 3 people total that tested positive
Sunday, March 22, 2020
- Field Guys should download the Kronos Mobile App to fill out your timecards remotely
Monday, March 23, 2020
- Latest from the company..: We were notified yesterday afternoon that an employee from the News department also tested positive for COVID-19. The employee was last in the building for a brief period on Friday, March 20 and left."
- Also.. keep a lookout for email from the UNION. We are going to use MailChimp to keep everyone informed, as well as here. They email address used what the one you gave during the strike fund hand out.
March 26, 2020
- As you know, the company is offering a $75 premium to all those people who come into the station. As with EVERYTHING with this company there are strings attached. There are jurisdictional 'easements' they want for the $75. They want the reporters to stream live back from their homes using the LiveVu App and other things. However, we've been made promises before from Mr. Abernathy et al (ie.. giving them control of our pension to keep 5 weeks vacation) and they have NOT kept their word EVER!!! They have never been appreciative of our efforts during crisis like this. As of right now, the lawyers are hashing out the terms so we can keep fences on our jurisdictional areas.
- We have a limited amount of masks in TOC. Check in to see if we have some. We might be able to get more.