Hello Membership,
I just wanted to introduce myself For those of you who do not know me.
My name: Sandee Larsen
Start date: May 1989.
Positions held: Camera- (studio and handheld) Chyron, Video Op, Tape Op, Feeds and Ingest Op, Master Control Op, and Floor Director.
I am proud to be be nominated for Union President. I will do my best to represent all of us. I will work hard with the negotiating committee to expand on the current contract.
I will do my best do address the needs and concerns of the membership during my tenure.
Please feel free to come to me with any concerns you have once I take office.
I will do my best to meet each of you. You can always come to Master Control on the 4th floor and introduce yourself. Once I take office.
Until then, feel free to bombard Merrill.
Just kidding.
I look forward to representing 794.
In Brotherhood,
Sandee Larsen